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October, 20161. The Flat, the shape & The form
2. Indigo Co-relation
3. The laundry effect
4. Heavy duty
Heavy Duty
This series expands on the conventional way of developing and manufacturing denim, and, changing the purpose without replacing the technical descriptions that intentionally leave room for interpretation.Heavy Duty
1 “The stitching process gives birth to denim jean, and the joining techniques are
crucial in determining shape. The conversion of denim fabric into garments
requires machines that are able to cope with the
density of the fabric and the thickness of the seams.
Therefore, heavy duty
machines need to be used and specialised components have been
developed to feed the material
effectively through the
machine. Nother components such as heavy duty needles, sewing threads that have high strength for securing the seams, and buttons and studs for securing the pockets have been specially
developed for this garment.”
Paul, R. (2015). Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications. Cambridge: Elsevier Science & Technology. p. 164. Web.

Documentation images

Images by Carmen Zammit, Talent Bridie Goold