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INDIGO RCDF e-zine contribution
March, 2023Decoloniality and Fashion e-zine was born in 2021 and published by Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion Foundation - RCDF editorial team. The Decolonial e-zine on fashion is an experimental and plurilingual publication that challenges editorial, writing, and narrative styles. Each new issue aims to deliver perspectives, criticism, and creative crossings to overcome the monocultural trapping of Fashion history while inspiring and connecting how fashion is lived and experienced in different places worldwide.

Title: Decoloniality and Fashion e-zine on RCDF 10th Anniversary
Medrado, M., editor.
Description: Experimental and plurilingual publication that challenges editorial, writing, and narrative styles. With a foreword by Sandra Niessen and a cover by James Green, graphic designer by Gabriela Lopes. It celebrates Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion Foundation’s 10th-year journey. It aims to circulate decolonial fashion narratives and practices to support and engage in pedagogical and research methodologies to decentralize and reassess the Fashion industry and systems.
Other title: Decolonial e-zine on fashion
Publisher: Research Collective for Decoloniality and Fashion; The Netherlands.Publication date: 2023-
Format: 1 online resource
Persistent Identifier: http://decolonialzine.fashion/
ISSN: 2773-0883 (ebook)