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Collective Perceptions,
social interactions and
everyday situations
November, 2017

1 Scanned -Garment close-ups newspaper A2 poster, colored paper photocopied "flyer" lookbook brochure, booklet editorial shoot, booklet research, proofreading A4 page
2 The installation stages an intervened chair at 170 degrees, with model wearing the elongated wool jacket coat, and the flat denim dust jacket with silk jeans.
3 Wooden display frame.
The self-assembled limited edition publication and installation expand on the notion that; Denim manufacturing encountered mass production, a similar situation related to circular meaning and low-cost photocopy material. The project explores the similarities between these processes and their effects on the industry.
The publication is a collection of a series of explorations around
'Collective perceptions, social interactions and everyday situations'
It compiles multiple ways to relate and engage with everyday denim objects by presenting a series of gestures, expressions and artifacts with a sense of replication, including 'the lookbook' and 'The Poster'. These replications are associated with specific information coded by cultural references and large-scale production. The aim is to deepen our understanding and relationship with our everyday denim objects, contemporary modes of wearing and alternative production.